Year in review - 2018

DECEMBER 29, 2018  ·  424 WORDS

Here are a few things I did this year and some goals for the coming year.


I interned at Braintree Payments in San Francisco over the summer. It was an amazing experience and I'll be starting full time in February next year. I learnt a lot of new things in my internship but it definitely felt like a knowledge dump. I hope to get a more in-depth understanding of the things I've learnt in my internship once I start working full-time next year.


I left the last semester of college for all the courses that I really wasn't into but were a required part of the curriculum. A bunch of electrical courses are required as part of the Computer Engineering coursework at UIUC. For senior design my team ended up making a barely working prototype of a vest for the visually impaired that uses ultrasonic sensors to detect where an obstacle is and uses positional tones to provide feedback to the user. It looks like a mess, but it definitely worked!

I also worked on a full stack side project called Ballot which is basically a polling application written in React & Node.


I didn't run a lot. 251.79 KM in total. The last 6 months I only ran 24.46 KM. I need to be consistent throughout the year.

I plan to run 600 KM this coming year - basically 50 KM every month. I also want to be able to run a 10 K. The max distance I've been able to do comfortably so far is 5 KM and I definitely want to increase that.


I've traveled to a few countries this year.

Also a bunch of places within the US and India. After graduation, I plan to travel to Japan for a few days and hopefully more places.


I love watching movies and these are a few of the ones I really loved this year.


This year I saw Hamilton the musical at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York. It was spectacular!

Next year will be vastly different than the last 4 years of college and I hope to make productive use of my time in the coming year.